The TURF TEQ Power Rake is a valuable time-saving tool for all types of seedbed preparation, lawn renovation and raking jobs. With its compact design, the Power Rake can also go where tractor and skid steer mounted versions of this product can’t go, and can do its job without damaging healthy turf. You’ll get more work done faster and drastically increase the profitability of your business.
The Power Rake features a 36-inch wide drum that can be adjusted to pivot left or right so that debris can be windrowed. The Power Rake also features an on-the-go differential lock for exceptional traction and productivity – even on steep grades. It’s a machine that will save you incredible amounts of time on labor-intensive projects.
Complete Machine Price: $7,450
The TURF TEQ Power Rake is available as a complete multi-use machine and as a rake attachment that will work with all other TURF TEQ multi-use products. Quickly change attachments to make the most out of your investment no matter what the season.